Technology, Gaming and Learning, with just enough time for a coffee.

It's been a goal of mine for many years to learn Spanish. I would love to go on vacation and speak the language rather than the typical speaking English slowly and hope that people understand.

This has been an on/off objective, but I want to make a proper effort this year. Any day I spend some time learning I plan on posting a summary of what I've learned.

Preparing for this new attempt

  1. Spend at least 30 mins per day (not limited to).
  2. Reading. Short Stories in Spanish or news articles.
  3. Listening. YouTube videos, eventually podcasts.
  4. Apps. Decide which app I want to use/commit to. Pimsluer and/or Babbel. Both require a commitment and subscription so choose one.

I also want to keep myself accountable, using this blog. I evntually plan to write dual language posts. Fingers crossed.

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